
By Realgrumpytyke

Elephant trees

A beautiful morning though a cold breeze blowing up the Wharfe Valley made a warm jacket necessary for a three hour walk.
The group of trees in the centre of the image, seen on the horizon to the east from the village, are known locally as the elephant trees. It's a steep climb up to them, with wonderful views and birdsong all the way, from a large chorus of goldfinches to the occasional curlew. A pair of red kites were circling above.
Every yard is well worth the climb and the panorama from the top - see extra - is extraordinary. In the image I can clearly identify the building in which we live, in the village seen in the valley below just to the right of the elephant trees seen from the top of the climb.
As I've said before, we think we are very lucky to live where we do.
Three hour walk today. I'm told tomorrow's hospital visit will be three hours too.

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