Highly Unsprung

By CynicalWench


Up to Haddo to meet with Carolyn's crew and help socialise Beth a bit more with a long walk finished off with some outdoor bites at Mrs Smiths. The cousins just got on with it as always; Sam and Harry disappeared off in full on chatter mode whilst Tess kept an eye on Beth and caught up with Anna who has just turned 18 and away to sit her finals 18!!!!!! Finals!!!! Jings!!!!

Beth has still some way to go but is getting better every day, is losing some weight and starting to get some playful mojo in her life.

Later, back at the neglected des res, the big turn of events is that Big D, confirmed anti-gardener and hater of all things remotely connected to house maintenance, actually ventured into the garden to help me garden. I'm talking some genuine fork and spade action here. Now I'm a bit OCD when it comes to the my own school of wobbly, ramshackle, make-it-up as you go along gardening and I've not had much energy for it the past couple of years but I must admit his ideas on how we should be digging up the garden path will make it way better in the long run. Obviously I'm buttering him up so he'll help me more, as the couple that garden together, stay together. Okay so I made that up but many hands do make light work and It was good to work on something together. He's a good bit away from going full 'Monty Don' on me though...but since Big D has always suspected that Monty Don is a serial killer who composts his victims (comprising mostly of a fictitious string of wives....it's the massive hands apparently), that's probably a good thing.

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