The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Sunday promenade

We went for a Sunday walk in Cirencester Park, part of the Bathurst estate. Local people are allowed in. I chose this area because it's flat, which is good for Steve's walking-rehabilitation. I also hoped to see some bluebells, but failed to find any.

I did notice that it's a great area for dog walking and every dog owner in Cirencester was out there, with canines of every shape and size. We saw some keeyshonds (Dutch barge dogs with enormous coats) and a Bichon Frise that was not nearly as cute as B, the one I looked after!

On the way home I wanted to stop at the ice cream factory on Rodborough Common. Seemed as if we we weren't the only ones with that idea! I must have queued for 20 minutes for my scoop of spicy plum. I'm just wondering if my recent pay rise will stretch to a no-chill ice cream making machine... I've wanted one for years.

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