The garden is springing into action! This is some of the apple blossom, other clusters are already in flower. The broad beans have pods, the peas have flowers, and the sweet peas are getting tall.
Lunch was a delicious veggie roast veg and bread salad, though Mr B felt the need to add ham... After lunch, a mix of some standing around admiring what nature is getting up to, and some proper hard work. So, my French cv is redone and the pampas grass has been dug up and hacked, sawn (and nearly axed) into several pieces. And such is the mix of my life.
With a satisfying exhausted feeling from mental and physical activity, I was lucky enough to have TallGirl draw me a lovely hot bath (with yellow duck), Mr B make me a G&T to enjoy therein along with a good book. Bliss.
All was slightly interrupted by some family fighting due to clumsiness and grumpiness but, I am happy to report, all is now well. Long chat with Mam and Dad and a Mr B curry for dinner (I think he volunteered for fear I would cook another veggie thing). Now my aching muscles deserve a flop on the sofa, I think.
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