Scarborough Blipmeet

Having dropped Richard in Whitby for the Northern Orienteering Championships in Mulgrave Woods I made tracks for Scarborough. Riversider had kindly organised a meeting point at the Spa in South Bay. Even though I was unable to stay for long it was good to meet up with fellow blippers.

I had put my Canon camera battery on charge and in leaving home managed to leave it still charging. Fortunately I had my small back up camera so all was not lost!

The weather certainly drew the crowds and the surfers were out in force. The tide was quickly advancing so I made the most of a few beach shots before retreating back to the Spa. Then it was a quick sprint back to the car to rendevous with Richard who enjoyed his run despite the wet and muddy conditions.

The extra is a shot I took on route from Whitby to Scarborough from the main road bridge near Eskdale School. Whitby looked very fine in the morning sunshine.

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