Absolutely fabulous

This is one of the two flowers on my Pamianthe peruviana. It's a wonderful stoloniferous plant in the Amaryllis family, from Peru and other warm parts of South America, where it grows epiphytically on the branches of trees. This is the third one I've owned - the first grew to a huge plant over 6ft across and I grew it suspended in the roof of the glasshouse in a previous job back in the 1980s. The seed takes 18 months to ripen and for several years I supplied Chiltern Seeds. Unfortunately after I left my successor planted it out in the garden, along with everything else in the warm glasshouse. Needless to say everything perished!

The second plant died, as I recall, though I can't remember why. I grew it from seed from a plant at Glasgow Botanic Garden, which strangely had been grown from Chiltern seed, supplied by me the year before!

This one sits in a window in the sitting room, though it's not an easy plant to accommodate, being a great sprawling thing! The flowers are four or five inches across and sweetly scented, especially in the evening.

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