Salvage from the Wreckage

By NickMogToo

One day, one photo.

Hard core. Old Skool. I only took one photo today. Well, technically, I took one burst of 16 photos. But there was only one crow. So this is the picture that made its way to my main journal (unless it was one of the ones on either side). So this is the before. And the after is .
A busy week at work which finished in a busy game of football. 6 games in 5 days was a bit much really. But the post match bath, red wine, House of Cards was pretty good.

Writing with the benefit of hindsight (it is now Sunday morning) I can say that Saturday consisted of going to tennis, finding that it was too wet to play, but squeezing in a quick 30 minute set under the "dome" before the junior coaching started. Then a foray to the high street before picking up the baby bro and DHH to drive to Harrow to see the still-recuperating-from-a-stroke S. He's made some progress but has a long way to go. He's going home at the end of May. He's set himself the target of dancing a Salsa at their (delayed) Wedding Reception (they had the wedding) next Summer. That seems like a big ask but he's really determined.

On the way home, called in at Mum's and took the opportunity of picking up M's carbon-fibre forks - all the way from China. A very light parcel!

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