The essence of the mess

By SunkeneyedGirl

Apologies to William and Vincent...

I wandered lonely as a cloud took a leisurely stroll through Pieve with The Child, an ice cream, a bottle of water and the trusty Canon...
That floats on high o'er vales and hills with not a cloud to be seen in the sky - plenty of vales and hills though...
When all at once I saw a crowd - I did, but it wasn't quite all at once; I had to look for it...
A host, of golden daffodils - oh, you can keep your daffs, Bill, I got some of these!

Ok, so Van Gogh I ain't, but I do have a new field!
This is the field I thought Emilio was trying to fob me off with the other day (I think he really does own every field as far as the eye can see), only I didn't know where it was and of course, no field - not even this whole new deputy field of loveliness - can possibly be like my field...But I will give it a try. Prepare to be bored with sunflowers.

Ps. In the days before blip, I would never have been found sitting in the middle of a field full of flowers, laughing. The Child thinks I am quite, quite, mad.

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