April Showers

Dad and Belinda visited today. We went for lunch at the Hawkley Inn - one of my favourite places to eat near home. It has real fires and a very homely feel. Great on a chilly damp day like today - apparently it was snowing when Dad left home and he has just called and said it was snowing when they returned this evening.

After lunch we popped over the border in to West Sussex as they wanted to see our wedding venue. I was very pleased they like it (: Then we returned to the village to see my allotment and discuss ideas of what I could grow. Dad reckons I should try black currants and gooseberries in one of the beds. He also spotted a damson tree in blossom in the hedge next to my plot.

The sun came out this evening and it is forecast to be a few degrees below freezing tonight. I hope the magnolia flowers and cherry blossoms survive the cold.

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