The quince blossom is out!
Some time last week I spotted that the apple trees - which have been in for a few years now, and were on the verge of being turfed out since Mr B always felt I had been duped and just bought 'sticks' - have blossom. And today I went to check on the quince and clearly putting it in the ground instead of a tiny pot has filled it with flower-producing gratitude.
In other gardening news, more grassy knoll work (my shoulder informs me that I should only do a small amount of earth-moving a day), strimming, sticky grass pulling and watering. Later some tearing out of hair when I realised that the reason the redcurrant bush looked a bit bare was because it had been stripped of greenery by some irritating caterpillars. Now ex-caterpillars after I called in younger eyes (TallGirl) to spot all the teeny ones.
Earlier, TallGirl had the day off school so that all the parents could go in to pick up the report for the term and be told how lovely/not lovely their child has been. Happily we still fall on the lovely side.
There are many backblips for those with more time than sense.
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