Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom


We spent today at the Denver Zoo and I took close to 500 pictures, about half of them keepers.  With all the exotic birds and animals I saw, I think it's ironic that I chose this male Pileated Woodpecker to blip because they are very common in the eastern half of the US and the west coast.  (That does not include Colorado where I live.)  They are my favorite woodpeckers and I spent a lot of time watching them while visiting in Minnesota.  I haven't seen one in years and I really liked this shot, albeit a little fuzzy.  He was in a glass enclosure because he's new to the aviary but he'll soon be moving into "Bird World" where he'll be flying free in a huge habitat area.  

Thank you very much to everyone who left stars and hearts on yesterday's "wolf" and on previous blips as well!  We've got three days of bad weather coming so I should have plenty of time to finish up my chores and get my comments back on.  

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