Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Being attacked by birthday girl ..

Alice is 13 today ....... She is most happy to be able to say she is a teenager !!
Even though she is roughly shoving mango body spray up my nose (a gift from earlier ) I know she loves me really ... I'm not allowed to touch her gifts but I must smell them .... All of them .... I had burning nostrils when I left ....

How lovely does she look with her OLD LADY WASHERWOMAN hairband on ... I am desperate to add tiny curlers to her hair and a hair net ....
Look at Alice ... Can you see anything different about her to anyone else ?
No ......
That's because you can't see autism ... So next time you are irritated by a child not behaving how you deem 'normal' or you see a parent looking as if they 'don't parent properly ' stop ... Shut the fuck up and mind your own business ... There is no 'normal' and text book parents don't exist .... You won't know who you are judging.

And that ladies and gents is my annual pep talk on Autism X

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