
By ekb

First photo

Welcome to the world.
You arrived at 6.36am & Weight: 3.795

On Thursday when the midwife booked us in for an induction for the Saturday we knew that we didn't want to go through all that. In the afternoon we went round to see Steve & Libby for a cuppa they then insisted that i eat half a pineapple!!! (old wives tale to bring on labour) By 4pm I had started feeling odd sensations and phoned Lisa to ask if this was it!!! By 6pm we knew you were coming. (J had just cancelled his job for Saturday, he then started calling other cameramen to find cover for tomorrow.
By 9.30pm my waters had broken (over the bed) & by 10.30 we were in the hospital (RBH)
We were the last ones in as they shut the maternity ward as it was so busy.
Baby was back to back which meant I continually wanted to push. Gas & air helped us through the night and our perfect little girl came out at 6.36am

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