Cameron's edited life

By cameronmcvean

Warp factor 3...

Week three of the school holidays and a weak sun appears over Edinburgh. Cue a mad dash to escape into the outdoors. Unfortunately my asthma is still hampering efforts, so it meant a bike ride amongst some of Edinburgh's old railway lines now being put to good use as cycle-paths.

There's some very interesting graffiti where the tracks detour through some of the less glamorous areas of our Capital city, and several tunnels to whizz through...
That's just enough scope to help a 10 year old boy escape into a world of flying cars, jet-packs and a caring government (only 2 of those will appear in my life - can you guess?).

My comments have been a bit light of late due to my complete idleness and apathy attention being drawn in other directions. Back to normal with today's offerings.

(best viewed large)

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