Favourite men

……………..These are a few of my favourite men………………. 

More than 11 years ago, when Ann first adopted me, I was a very, very, very, nervous, scared little collie.  Practically the only thing the RSPCA could tell Ann was………… I didn’t like going in the car and I hated men.  I couldn’t even walk along the street if there was a man walking behind us.  I used to cower away and was totally terrified. (Read my bio for more info about what a nightmare I was).

Today I’m still a little bit unsure of men that I don’t know, but these are three of my favourite men.

Bottom photo is Matt.  Matt is one of Ann’s colleagues and ever since the first day I met him, he’s been absolutely lovely to me…………..  Apart from sharing his ham sandwiches??!!  Matt has ham sandwiches for lunch every day and he never, ever shares??!!  Booohooo.  Just how mean is that?

Top right photo is Valdas, another of Ann’s colleagues.  He has a little ‘Jack Russell’ called Zara.  But actually…………..  I think Valdas likes me just as much as Zara.  Today Valdas was eating a slice of lemon drizzle cake.  Valdas is a bit like Matt?!  He doesn’t share what he eats with gorgeous little collies.  Booohooooo. Just how mean is that?!

Top left photo is Christian, the best dog sitter in the whole wide world.  …………And Christian wasn’t eating anything, so he just gave me loads of cuddles instead.  Yay!!!!

As I say…………………… these are a few of my favourite men!!
When I was a scared, neglected, flea ridden, worm ridden, minge ridden, terrified little collie, who hated everything & everybody, who had been taken from her home into the RSPCA centre; I never, in my wildest dreams, thought I'd have such a nice life.  I never, ever, thought I would like any man.
These are a few of my favourite men.  I LOVE Christian, Valdas & Matt xxx

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