Dolly and the yellow house

This house caused a bit of controversy in Greenock, people complained, their was a protest, the works! However, after many months of legal wrangling the council have forced the people to repaint it white, yellow was 'not in keeping with the conservation area!' I quite like it, and it's not as if it looks untidy, they've clearly had it painted professionally! What annoys me is that the council say this is 'not in keeping with the area', yet they have allowed several modern blocks of flats that are very clearly not in keeping with the area, in fact they look hideous! So, I thought I'd better blip it whilst I had the chance, the painting is apparently starting soon!

Sorry for the lack of comments over the past few days, this cold has been a bit miserable and I'd been a bit stressed about a meeting with my manager! Good news, I'm going back to work on Tuesday! I will catch up with everyone tomorrow, now that the stress of that is finally over!

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