
By sendfrancis

Hang and Fold

I can't wait for the Courthouse book project to be done and over with, it's turned out to be this endless, dark tunnel full of slime I'm slipping on and Dementors sucking away my peace of mind. I'd like to the see the light soon, please. I'm hoping this round of amendments is the end of it and it just gets rolled unto the presses.

I'm glad I rolled my bum into the gym for a quick session before yoga. I'm attacking my body with a new resolve and I'm going to see some change! Yoga was cool today. We did some new weird stuff as opposed to the usual triangular poses. A bit of partnering too (standing on people's bums). Then there was this! I'm certainly going to take every opportunity to do this in class, my Uttanasana is really opening up and this is bound to help.

Tucked into some trully yummy home cooked Indian food at the cousin's after class. Fish and okra (I love so much) curry, beans and rice with cooling yogurt. I couldn't ask for a better combo. Thanks!

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