Auroral arc

On 11 April a G1 geomagnetic storm was issued for 13 and 14 April due to coronal hole high speed stream activity. We monitored aurora indicators all night yesterday, but it was already midnight before the geomagnetic activity nowcast turned from yellow (increased activity) to red (high activity).

We drove to the banks of Pyhäjärvi banks and there is was - beautiful, strong aurora arc in the clear north sky. I was happy! :)
We spent there half an hour taking photos and were back home around 1 a.m. On the way home it occurred to my mind to check the date and time of my camera. Damn, it was just what I was afraid of, it was still in winter time. I hope I'm able to upload an aurora shot to Blipfoto without problems. This seem to happen to me every year!!! One more reason to give up daylight saving time.

+8°C, partially sunny

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