
By TuppenceAbag

For a friend.


That's how I feel with you.

In my dreams and when awake.
You're not so near geographically
Speaking, but you're in my head.
A confusing place to be and a
Scary one at times, but you have
The necessary tools to avoid fear.

When you hug me while asleep,
My subconscious makes me feel
Warm, protected and loved.
I need those hugs and you are
There to give them when
Desired most.

Like a pebble found by chance
On the beach. Honed by
Centuries of delicate brushing
And perfecting by the waves.
Emerging suddenly from who
Knows where, ready for discovery.
I found you.

Casually something caught my attention.
A reflection of the sun perhaps, or the particular
Shape of the stone. Instinct induced me
Pick you up and put you in my pocket.

There you remained and gradually,
Amazingly at times for us both, the
Transition was made from deep in
My pocket to profoundly encased
In my heart. Beating in time with
The rhythm of my being.

Sometimes my heartbeat is very fast,
Too fast, almost chokingly so. Yet
You sense that and you know how to
Slow the pace for me. It's a very uncommon
Skill, but then you are a rare and precious

Jagged edges which for me are
Smoothed, not by the salt waters of time,
But by the gentle caresses of a love which
Goes far beyond mere friendship.

Thank you for being my pebble. You
Absorb me and surprise me constantly
With your knowledge and self-deprecating
Humour. Laughter which shoots out suddenly
From the blackness, like a comet whose
Passing goes unnoticed by all except a
Chosen few.

Cactuses can flower if enough
Care is given to them. Many, so many
Don't realise that. The infrequent and
Difficult flowers are to be treasured
The most I feel. Emotions are difficult
To transmit, but with you all barriers
Come down and the contact takes on
A new level of understanding.

I wake up knowing that you are there
And that thought alone is a balm to soothe
The nightmares of my darkest hours.
Thank you dear friend.

by Mez 19/07/2012


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