VW Bonanza

Whitstable - Day 4 of travels with Matilda.

We had a phone call to say that the friend we were to come and stay with here had been admitted to hospital and had just undergone an emergency stomach operation. Her brother , Paul, was staying in her house to look after their elderly Mother and things were naturally all abit chaotic in the household. We said we would not hinder the proceedings by staying but brother insisted we put Matilda in the back garden as planned, so we did, and whilst Paul and his Mum went off to the hospital to visit Alison we spent a very pleasant afternoon walking along Whitstable seafront, albeit in a very stiff on shore breeze; we inspected the VW Bonanza which was taking place with lots of wonderful bespoke vehicles and camper vans on display and their owners and dogs all having a very jolly time and we had ice creams from an Ice cream vendor on a bike who was a 'resting' actor; he played the Market Inspector on EastEnders some time ago, so we were told!

We hadn't met Paul or his Mum before and hoped we weren't imposing ourselves on them even though we are pretty self-sufficient in Matilda but Paul insisted we weren't so he and I cooked a pretty good dinner between us and we all had a great evening - just wished Alison could have been with us - we're off to visit her tomorrow.

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