Mama's birthday

I turned 30-something today. Katie has been SO excited. She's spent the whole holiday wanting to give me the gifts that she bought on the very first day of the holiday. She woke up and immediately wanted to bring me everything - she's looked after her gifts to me and has taken charge of anything else that arrived in the post. I had a wonderful time opening the most thoughtfully chosen wee presents from her - a couple of bits she wants me to take to my new job with me, a gorgeous mother of pearl ring that I suspect my sister had something to do with and a card that couldn't have been more perfectly chosen. I was very grateful for the lovely cards and presents from some friends, including a fab piano book of show tunes that Katie and I will both enjoy learning! 

We got ready for church as I was on Sunday school this morning. I also got my birthday crunchie bar, as well as being asked to the front to be formally introduced/wished well etc for the job start on Tuesday. I basically started today as it took an hour to leave church due to doing various jobs people asked of me/answering questions and such! I think this may be how it is from now on.... 

After church we went for lunch with friends. Katie was whisked into the kitchen for a secret mission beforehand and come dessert time she was very excited to bring me my first cake of the day that she had decorated for me with Aunty Emma, though annoyed that it was too light to make it dark! Emma dropped us off just as Granny and Grandad arrived. Katie wanted to play them the beautiful piece she has composed, called "Out to Play". The 4 of us then walked to the swimming pool as Katie was insistent that was what she wanted to do, despite it being a really beautiful day. She did have a fantastic time swimming though, she very much wanted to show Grandad and Granny how she's doing and she had a brilliant time with the floats and balls that were out in the shallow end. 

After swimming we walked home and had cake number 2, which my lovely friend had bought for me. Katie really wanted to carry it in to me. There's an extra together with it. She wanted monkey in on the action as it's his birthday too - he joined us 6 years ago today! We enjoyed cake then Katie and Grandad had their first play in the garden of the year. Granny and I did tea. We finished and moved on to the 3rd sort-of-cake of the day!! We got done just in time to change and head out. 

Tonight we were going to the closing concert of the classical music festival that has been taking place since Thursday. Her first full length classical "grown up" concert. Katie was the only child there and had a brilliant time. She sat beautifully, watched with interest. She took a 10 minute snooze during the 13th of the 16 parts to the Schumann song cycle. She was fascinated by the baritone and followed the translations of the songs in the programme. She woke up for the interval and was treated to the first slice of cake that they were passing round, plus apple juice whilst Mama enjoyed complimentary champagne. She had only 10 minutes sleep in the second half too, a very beautiful Brahms trio. After the concert, as we enjoyed a little more complimentary champagne, I asked the organiser if she might look at the gorgeous shiny Steinway. He was more than enthusiastic and implored me to encourage her to play it. She did and grinned away! She also looked at the cellist's music and discovered that there was a clef she didn't know - and I had no idea! The cellist appeared in a very timely fashion & was delighted to answer her questions (the tenor clef!) and chatted to her about her music. 

It's been a really wonderful birthday - almost entirely due to moments, actions and things that my little girl has done and been part of. It's definitely one I shall remember. 

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