Sheep Secrets

Dear Diary,

I was looking at the National Geographic Sunday Stills yesterday and there was a piece on the Outer Hebrides and that brought back all sorts of memories of my first trip there in 2005.  It also tied in nicely with the sheep photograph I made at my friends farm.  I adore sheep.  I love their gentle ways and their sweet "smiles", at least they always look like they are smiling to me.  These two seem to be sharing a secret!

One of my favorite images from my 2005 trip was a sheep shot. (My first extra today.)  I made this photograph at a sheep shearing on South Uist.  I loved how one sheep boldly faced me as if to say, "Bring it on!" while all the others turned away.  Since it is Mono Monday and I'm in a sheepy frame of mind, I'll add one more sheep shot.

I am forlornly gazing out the window now at the snow just beginning to fall.  Big sigh....  It will be a good day to catch up on laundry and a spot of housework and to soldier on with printing out the family chronicle.  A quiet day...

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