Wombling free

London:  Day 2 of travels with Matilda.
We've travelled 'underground, overground and  wombled free', not in Wimbledon mercifully but we did take Matilda on the woolwhich Ferry ..... (by mistake - a domestic could have certainly ensued had it not been the sight of London City Airport which went some way to appease Mr T!!)

Having found our Caravan Site and got settled I explored it and even though we are in the heart of a concrete jungle wildlife abounds:  Squirrels, birds, lovely wild flowers and even a fox right outside the caravan in broad daylight.  The owls were a joy to hear at night, and helped to drown out the plentiful screech of police sirens!  

This afternoon we travelled overground and underground by train and tube up to Highgate to visit my granddaughter,  Natasha and her partner Matt, who own and run a Restaurant there.  We had a great dinner and a very long catch up.  On the way back to Matilda on the tube we were entertained by two of the Camden Cats - I thought Daniel Jeanrenaud on guitar was Bryan Adams for a minute!!

We've thoroughly enjoyed our Wombling today and definitely ready for bed now.  

I have to apologise yet again for my lack of comments and late postings but internet is very limited.

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