
By HilaryinOman

Crested Lark (Galerida cristata)

A particularly magnificent specimen, a very proud and handsome Crested Lark having just had a hearty sing. This Lark is the most common Lark in Oman and its crest is always raised unlike the Eurasian Sklark which only raises its crest when excited or frightened. The male and female are exactly the same so I may very well be wrong saying this is a male! I love the way it is posing with one claw over the other-a very relaxed pose.
The extra is from the other day when David Coulthard showed off his prowess in a RB9 (old school V8 non turbo charged car)in torrential rain along the Muttrah seafront. I'm pretty pleased with this shot as it was not taking through a gap but actually through the metal mesh barrier and it was like a tropical monsoon so all in all pleased with my camera and lens. Sadly it does not really convey the astonishing speed and (djrose007) the almost Vulcan like sound that literally went through your chest as he roared along. If you and I were wondering as to how he was going to turn such a car in such a small area we shouldn't have! Pure power and a massive amount of skill!

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