The Writer's Curse

As I sit in my car with the roof down enjoying the sunshine waiting for the road to reopen, I find myself wondering who was involved in the accident today and how their life and the lives of their family may change forever.

A police siren in the distance and the sound of the Air Ambulance helicopter rotar blades slicing through the air overhead are indicators that this is no small incident. My heart sinks and what little frustration I felt for being delayed dissolves as I think about what might have happened.

I often contemplate whether it is a writer's blessing or a curse to forever be aware of one's emotions and the emotions of those around us. An observer of life, watching a stranger go about their daily routine, imagining the story of their day unfold, the serendipitous moment that occurs and how different their life might've been without it.

Always imagining, thinking, formulating storylines and characters into narrative in my head to illustrate a theme to create a story that one day might be published into a novel. Perhaps it's less to do with being a writer and more to do with living in a daydream? Always questioning reality.

Either way I cannot imagine a world without creating words and I will continue to write until my last days. One day perhaps there will be a book and my lifetime's imagination won't be wasted after all.

In the meantime I pray that the ambulance saved the poor soul who had the accident today. I hope you had a safe Sunday blippers.

Photo: Pansies and primroses from Lenham village market today.

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