Information Retrieval

By Syetuttle

Politically Speaking

Since the release of the Panama Papers, lots of doors have been opened revealing the true colours of our so called fellow politicians. None of them are normal like us. They never have been or never will be. Not starting a debate here, but when you've got Dumb (David) trying to be be "honest" with his tax returns to the public and Dumber (Jeremy) criticising Dave, BUT saying that he will show the public his tax returns "soon" it does make one want to switch channels and say F*** **f to the pair of them.

Anyway, we had a productive day. I test rode my new road bike I picked up from Halfords on Friday. Went rather well considering it being my first ever racer. Weather was kind enough for me to tidy up and paint around our new door. Mrs Tuttle arranged for someone to pick up our "beloved" glass blocks via my FB page. And we cleaned, cleaned and cleaned some more.

Our new door is Conservative Blue by the way. Not being political of course.

PS feel free to switch Dumb & Dumber. ;-)

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