Message in a Bottle

It was a fine morning, clouded over in the afternoon but with sunny spells trying to break out.

After the wedding and a party last night, I had a rather lazy morning and took me a while to get out of bed and going!  Popped by mam for a cuppa and then headed down to see my brother Jonny and family.  We went for a walk to Maywick beach and out along the banks to the secret beach at Claver.  It's been a lazy evening, only managing to get out with Sammy :)

While we were at the beach at Claver, I spotted an unusual looking bottle with tape wrapped around it.  Curiosity got the better of me and picked it up, to my surprise there was a message in the bottle.  Not your usual message, it was reminding me Jesus Loves Me, very apt for a Sunday stroll.  It was addressed from Bath, that's a long way to come :)  Here's the twins, Isaiah and Alex holding up the find at Claver Beach, note mam, Jonny and the lasses in the distance. 

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