
By TonyG


Just as well!

A wasp blundered into the summer house when Amy opened the door.  It settled peacefully on one of my crocs allowing a close encounter .... well actually not that close thanks to my 200mm zoom.

A sunny Sunday.  Great to have Ruth home, full of the exuberance of having been self sufficient for a week.  She had an epic nine and a half hour journey thanks to a variety of rail-related issues.  A taxi was needed for the first 13 miles due to no trains, then she was 'a bit poorly' on the train due to delayed effects of car-sickness and needed to break her journey at Shrewsbury for an hour.  The line near Peterborough was being dug up and a train had hit a tractor near Thetford .... so she ended up with another taxi from Peterbrough to Norwich.  Thankfully we did not have to pay for the last taxi!  She's only here for a couple of days, then it's back to Wales :-)

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