
The skydive went ahead today. To be fair it was a beautiful day and quite perfect for skydiving.
I can't begin to tell you how nervous I was. I kind of lived in a denial bubble from the moment I booked it. But reality hit today.
I asked question after question to get everything right. We had a practise on the floor to get body position right. I think they could see I was nervous and gave me a great guy to be attached to. I've forgotten his name :(.
We got our oversized suits on and harness. Sorted a silly hat and goggles out. Were ushered to a corner and in no time we were in the plane.
Reality hit me even more. It was surreal. I couldn't believe I was heading for the sky and was going to be dropped out 2 miles up.
I was second to go. So glad I wasn't last. The first one out couldn't stop screaming. Then it was me. I did everything I should have...hold on to harness, head back in guys shoulder, feet tucked under plane...three, two, one...we were out.
Head first, 120 mph then I found myself in the right position, free falling. It was incredible. I loved it. Every bit of nervousness was gone and I was enjoying it. The parachute opened and up we went.
The guy said I was really good...I bet he says that to everyone. But he let me steer it.
I couldn't believe there I was up in the sky steering myself down.
Then it was legs up...and we landed.
What an incredible experience.
We finished off with fish and chips in Southwold.
Andy took my photos. I've a DVD and others coming in a few days.

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