With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

There you go

We weren't going to pay any more to poke the poor old things any more than they needed. Let them sleep for goodness sake!

Mike had a 'fishing lunch' with the boys, so Ben, Agu and I eventually got our favourite bus to Circular Quay, rode out to Taronga Zoo on the ferry and just went to see the Aussie things we hadn't managed to see in the wild (and alive - alas our only wombat was a roadside squished one).

Back on the ferry, we forgot to eat but caught up with an old school friend Howie, who has been out in Sydney for a long while and has adjusted suitably. Great to see him, City Slicker as ever!

We hopped on another ferry to Rose Bay and then grabbed a taxi to our favourite Sydney Harbour beach at Nielsen Park, Vaucluse. It's so nice to see shark nets when you are trying to relax. We had missed food at the cafe but found fish and prawns and chips from the hut at the end of the beach. Blissful sunshine, a little breeze we felt right at home. 

The big boys came back not long after we did and it was a strangely quiet and early night for all. They were a bit tired, you see.

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