
By LuvU2

Little Frog ( Hyperolius marmoratus.)

This beautiful little frog sat in a tree at the golf course this morning! I spent hours trying to identify him, but to no avail! So sorry guys! I just think he/she is gorgeous, and you?

Newsflash!! Somebody identified him/her for me, so I added the species to my heading!! Thanks M!!

We had an invasion of little frogs at the golf club lately, they litterally made the course "move", each step you gave, they jumped out of the grass, R snr said one should not even look down, just walk, because there were litterally thousands crawling under your feet, but they were all just ordinary green ones.

This little beaut sat in the tree, looking down on the "plebs", must be the "Prince that changed into a frog", pity C did not kiss him, shucks!

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