The real 1000! Monarch butterfly
First of all I'll explain what happened yesterday.
We are on holiday in Canada and I've not changed the time zone on my laptop so every time I connect the camera it changes the time on it back to UK time (+ 5 hours). Tuesday's blip was taken after 7pm so Blip assumed it was Wednesday 18th - then I tried to change the entry details but ended up posting it twice, for Weds & Tues, thus hitting the 1000 and triggering the notification. Then I deleted Weds which took the count back to 999 and caused all the confusion. Sorry!!
Today - which is the real 1000! - we went for a mooch around lots of backroads south of Bancroft. The Monarch Butterfly seemed to be a suitable subject, given the long journeys that it makes each year - 2.500 miles to its wintering grounds in southern California and Mexico in the autumn and then the newly hatched butterflies return to Canada in the Spring. An amazing journey; one that puts our own achievements in the shade. Best viewed in LARGE!
Tomorrow we'll be heading back to Muskoka for our final weekend at our cousins' cottage (until our next holiday here!) via the Algonquin Provincial Park. Maybe we'll see moose or bear on the way? Probably not, but stunning scenery is a certainty.
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