Just Beachy.

I spent the morning cleaning, and washing clothes. I have been putting off cleaning the cupboards under the sink for ages, but today, at last,I did it. Once it was done, I wondered why I had put it off for so long,as it didn't take long. J was in the hobby room. no surprise there   and he suddenly decide that he had run out of glue. We went to Porthcawl, and when we got there, the shop was shut. He wasn't amused, but at least I  got my blip. It was really windy, and cold on the beach, but it blew away the cobwebs. We didn't hang around for long, and I have just brought all my washing in off the line. I am starving now, and we are having an M & S Chinese Banquet. It has all our favourite Chinese classic dishes, in small portions to share. Have a great Saturday night. 

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