Magnolia Blossom

I love these magnolia grandiflora blossoms, the inner part is so fascinating and the scent is heavenly!

I was thrilled to have seen a group of Carnabys Black Cockatoo's this week and have put my 'not so great' shot of them in as an extra. They are seriously endangered as we have wiped out their habitat throughout the south west of Western Australia and although there are still small groups here and there they don't have an easy time of it overall.

I've heard this group often in the distance as they are very loud and distinctive but this is the first time they've been close enough to get a shot! Here's a short clip on YouTube, they are lovely birds.

Amazingly I happened to have my camera in my hand as they came towards me and I tried to follow them and focus, took two shots and then realised I was actually on the road and cars were coming very close!! Crazy what you'll do to get a shot!

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