This Too Will Vanish...

By etherghost

Today I talked to my Mom and then I don't know really what happened to a large chunk of the day. Later we went to a fabric store, because I wanted to make a 5 minute skirt, continuing my DIY week of mayhem. We went to the strange new world of fabric stores (this is a new one, a chain I had never visited) got a great deal on the fabric, but sadly I forgot how much I was supposed to get (always write things down!) so I am not sure if I can make my skirt- but there was this apron I was wanting to make so I might try that...

Then later in the evening, we walked in the heat to the Smoke and Barrel bar downtown to meet a friend who is active in the theatre community, so we had a nice chat about how small and backwards this place can be while there are so many hardworking gems within the same community trying to make a difference. Always two steps forward and six steps back... She had another appointment but by that time I wanted to stay out some more and explore this silly city at night which I never do.

So, Stewart and I attempted to check out this new arcade bar, but we walked right back out again because of the smoke. We also walked to JR's lightbulb club and were the first customers (they open at 9pm). Sadly the juke box wasn't on and the tv was blaring.

Live and learn. At least we got a walk in.

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