
Back to the macro today.

Not because there was lack of blippertunities, but I simply love it! I think they are a blippers best friend, never again be worried about capturing a photo. Any old insect, plant, object will do ;-)

Although more seriously. Macro photography isn't entirely easy (as I was expecting it to be). A narrow depth of field, moving subjects, and a resulting lack of control over composition create a few challenges. Seriously, I have shot probably close to 1000 frames in the last 4 days. My approach thus far is this;

1. Increase ISO to compensate for (typically) lack of light - maybe 400
2. Up Aperture to the highest you can - I have got to F8 but then sometimes the shutter is too slow and the DOF is still small ...
3. Set camera to an auto focus adjusting mode - on the Canon is "AF Servo"
4. Set drive to motor, I have been using the slower setting on the 40D
5. Make sure you have a big CF card in ;-)

To be fair, I have been trying shoot bees, insects, and now snails. But even the slow moving snail was enough to drop focus in no time.

It's fun stuff, especially when you are about to collide with a snail!

And I have to say, nature is truly incredible, especially when you look close up ...

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