Ancient Greece

We walked over to Lisos. Up past Soughia harbour through a gorge with ancient pines and carob trees and then out on to a headland. Plenty of flowers, some familiar, others strange, and birds which were easier to hear than see, although we did see ravens and a shrike. Then down a steep slope much used by goats to Lisos and the sea.

Lisos is an old religious settlement built in about 250 BC and destroyed by earthquake in about 250 AD. The temple to Asclepios, the Greek god of medicine, was only rediscovered in the 1950's and has a Roman mosaic floor.

The wind had got up on our return to Soughia and with hindsight my attempt at a swim was probably not very wise. Large waves threw me up and down on to the shingle beach and I escaped as quickly as I could. But it was good to have been in the Libyan sea.

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