
By TheJuicyDoyenne

Ahhhh, Snow!

"Ahhhh, Snow!" That is what King appeared to be thinking this morning when he walked outside and discovered a very thin dusting of that frozen sugary white stuff on one side of our porch deck.
We have known for quite a while that he enjoys snow a LOT, but it was extremely apparent today as he ignored the bare part of the deck to amble directly over to the "snow rug" before plopping himself down to assume his morning sentry duties.

April Snow

The green was creeping o'er the brown,
The skies dropt bluebirds yesterday;
Again today the snow is down,
And spring a thousand miles away.

 And here's that mischief March again;
His four wild horses snort and prance;
He rides and pipes his weirdest strain
To lead the snowflakes' goblin dance.
And where is Lady April now?
Deep in the lonely wood she cowers,
Keeping alive--the heart knows how--
O'er her few pale arbutus flowers...

~ Caroline Spencer

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