From Dawn to...

By DawnCHS

M & M

It was Anya's leaving assembly today. It is the last day tomorrow, but they did a special performance of Starlight Express for us parents - and then they had a party after school finished.

I am feeling VERY tearful today - thats all my children finished primary school.

I blipped Mike and Martyn as they have been there throughout my childrens school life - when Lyssa started nursery, Mike was the head teacher at that school - he joined Lyssa at her school a few years later. When Lysssa left, he mentioned in his leavers speech that when he joined the school, he was pleased there was a child there he already knew. It seems fitting that he welcomed my first-born into primary education - and saw my youngest off to secondary school..

Martyn has been inspirational to the children. He is just the teacher I would have wished for - he has encouraged the kids, helped them grow into the young women they are becoming.

This blip then, is my own small way of saying thank you to some wonderful teachers - and some wonderful staff, parents and pupils whom I have been lucky enough to get to know over the last 10 years of school runs, plays and trips!

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