Aperture on Life

By SheenaghMclaren


Needs a few photographs. Here is one of my efforts today.

Another day of wet dogs and I really should have remembered they have been tree felling where I walked them earlier. If the thick black mud was only on their paws I'd have been happy, but Spaniels don't do half measures. A trip to the ford was essential to give them a cleansing swim before returning home.

I hoped to see some sign of the Agrion Damselflies that commonly fly around the silted areas nearby but I guess they're lying in wait for sunbeams to warm them.

On the plus side, the little Hylaeus signatus bee is still around and has brought numerous others with him. They seem to like the Snapdragons as well as they do the Angelica.
Another update, as it's that sort of day. I did get a bad photo of the kestrel chicks first flights but didn't blip it. Since fledging they stay around the area and frequently like to be fed on the old oak and still return in the evenings and when the rain is furious to shelter in their old nest. I doubt the parents will feed them much longer.

Now, hopefully, I've a little time to catch up with some of you before I go to work.

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