Oh My Days!

By lovelupins17

Banana faced duck

Book club this evening, and being the first time in a good 6 months that I could walk there in daylight, I thought I would, as the sun was shining when I left the house.... should have checked the forecast though as I then battled for almost an hour with the wind and rain:(  Arrived at the pub all bedraggled, soggy and steaming... but a good night was had and I soon warmed up with the cosiness of the real fire and the warmth of the company :)
We discussed 'The Taxidermist's Daughter' which was a disturbing book......as it wasn't just the animals that got the 'taxidermy treatment' :O  But weirdly I did enjoy it.... I know... and I normally like fluffy stories with a happy ending! 
Blip of Mr Drake... and his banana beak...made me smile :) 

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