A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley


Well started off that way with a batch of sleepover survivor pancakes for us all. Well, we all survived it.

And then mainly a work day for me where I've done a sizeable amount of catching up. Not quite all that's required due to a black cloud of a migraine threat hanging over my eyes for most of the day but enough to make me feel that catching up on it all before the end of the weekend may be a possibility.

Lots more scanning of letters, phone calls and emails and we have an appointment for J on Monday with a specialist. Not sure if they will want to do more tests or if we will be able to start treatment straight away but another big step along the way.

And mostly the rest of whatever was left of today was rearranging our weekend to celebrate some family birthdays. Things like that becoming straightforward again are just one of the things I am really looking forward to.

Lesley x

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