The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

Doggery ...

After a morning walk along the drain (which always sounds awful to me - but it's a very fine 19th century drainage drain and is like a cross between and river and a canal!) .. where I saw two foxes sun bathing on the overgrown banks - we went off to dog training.

Maisie had a little go being called through a tunnel - we might go to the 'rally' training class on Friday. Ruth was very impressed with our heel work and told me to start using it in 'real life' today, until now we've just done it in practise sessions. I tried it this evening - it's absolutely exhausting, trying to hold Maisie's attention, she gets bored very quickly and is easily distracted.

I visited mum in the afternoon and left Maisie in the van (she was fairly stinky again, after rolling in stagnant puddles with Ruth's other dogs after the training session.)

Mum seemed to realise who I was quite soon - and we enjoyed looking through the photo album. She was absolutely affronted that I didn't take her with me when I left - oh dear.

A quick trip to my local patch in the afternoon. I was just thinking that the only things that would be happy in such high winds would be kites - when I saw this one being mobbed by crows. A surprise, because they're quite uncommon in this particular spot.

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