Fitz Life

By Fitz


Pouring rain outside and flowing paint inside as I finish off decorating our
bathroom. Hopefully all this hard work will pay off when we sell up and move to a palatial residence in the country with a vast, spacious and luxurious cludgie featuring separate pedestals and a range of edifying reading material.

We may even hire one of those little chaps who offers you aftershave and towels in club toilets, although this would mean I'd have to stop inviting Cheryl Cole around in case she lashes out again. Funny how people have short memories...

Anyway, the woodwork has been done, which is the bit I hate about decorating. I have a second coat to do tomorrow and some colour to be added, then all we need to do is replace the bath and put the flooring down. Mrs Fitz and Fitz Jnr are off to Granny's for the night to keep out of the way of the chaos, and I am settling down with a well deserved beer as I wait for the paint to dry. Oh yes, that's how I roll.

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