
I'm probably the only person in the whole world of blip and beyond who is not sure if this is a bluebell or not... sorry but I'm really no good at flowers and all that caper.       
Busy day.  Have had some interesting conversations with various people today  - I can't always avoid human contact even though I've spent the last two blips indicating my preference for non human banter-   
including a man from a family of "short people" as he put it, who has been an extra in many films that require short people e.g Harry Potter, Willow etc.      When not acting he works for a certain financial institution and helped "marry me" to an ISA.   Actually he was probably the most regular person I've spoken to all day.  The rest of them were the usual mix of odd bods and unreasonables.
Sun is shining now.  I am going home and I have the day off tomorrow to catch up with blip and all other things not related to work.. Bliss.

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