
By oneD

The New Sea Hills

My 4th illustration for Chris Bird's story 'The Sea Books', illustrating the extract below......

'......Then as the crisis smouldered on the books on the shore began to rot. A great stench rose up from them and a slimy grey green moss began to crawl over them forming hill like mounds on the beach.
The ‘New Sea Hills’, as they became known, swarmed with flies and mosquitoes and the stench swayed over the entire village. A group of young men rolled a stone boulder down the cliff to break up the nauseous mounds of books. Another gang shot fireworks down at the slimy mass to burn it away.
Crabs and sea insects burrowed into the decomposing words to build new homes. Gulls and herons nested on the green mounds. The sea began to wash over the massive hills as if trying to reclaim it.
Local politicians tried to get control of the crisis by inserting national flags and party banners into the mounds. This, they argued, would prevent them from being annexed by unscrupulous foreign powers......'


(PS I'm not back yet! This is just an occasional one off - I'm still in a state of much reduced screen time.)
I wish all the very best.....

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