Seafield Way

As week 2 of the school holidays trundles along at full speed, so the slick blip before play date MO also slides into action.

Today's entertainment of meeting Val (the mum), Maddie (the dog), Cian, (the boy) and Finn (the baby - only 8 weeks old, wee soul) was at Gosforth and so on the way there the GPS inexplicably took us past this one.

It's not the best, but I had limited opportunity - a guy appeared, hood up, from over the wall from the railway line with a bike, and empty golf bag and a suitcase. He then proceeded to examine the items in minute detail in the centre of the shot.

It may well be that Cigs will feature on Crimewatch if this dodgy behaviour is linked to some crime spree. (The legal team advised against posting a photo of the man; libel laws and defamation of character being their biggest fear and they're pretty sharp on that sort of thing)

Donald Trump is NOT a hoofwanking bunglecunt**


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