Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady

Ready for action

We had to race up from the bottom to here to get to the head of the sheep in time before they got away on us. We got there in plenty of time but I was fair sweating and puffing by the time we did! On the way down the sheep made a break to escape and Breagh did a superb outrun going until she was a tiny little dot on the horizon and turned them in the right way. The only way I could tell where she was was by the way the sheep moved. A short gather and hardly any sheep but a spectacular view and location.

A new lamb in the lambing field this morning it had had a difficult birth so hadn't got up to sook so brought him in and tubed him with colostrum as he was very cold and week. He soon perked up under the heat lamp. His mum was a pet lamb they seem happy now thankfully.

11c sunshine and showers

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