
Li'l sis woke me in the early hours because she felt poorly. She was feverish so I dosed her up and got her a cold flannel and tucked her back into bed.
She awoke later still feeling rough and I managed to dig out my ice pack that was bought as part of a hangover cure kit by a colleague as a secret Santa gift years ago!
We spent the rest of the day watching movies whilst li'l sis dropped off to sleep a few times. I coaxed her out for a stroll to the shop for some fresh air. She perked up a little but then soon jumped back into her pjs and fell asleep again for an hour on the sofa!
Roast dinner at mam's for tea and li'l sis turned it down- a definite sign she's not herself.
A very unproductive day for me but my care was needed more.

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