Mr B, having spotted that he will be away for my actual birthday next week, designated today as my substitute birthday. It later transpired that, given I had by that point already done more work than is allowed on a birthday, and that he was leaving for the airport before he could make my dinner, next Thursday will in fact be my substitute birthday. However, during all that toing and froing, TallGirl made me a birthday tart. All by herself. And rather fine it was too.
Otherwise, the day was spent in some leisurely (and not so leisurely) garden work - weeding things, planting trees and so forth. Also watching the guys fitting a new guttering to the roof, to stop us being the cause of a lake outside our neighbour's house when it pours. (We are, in fact, not the cause but they were so insistent that it is worth getting the work done just to keep them calm.) Mr B dealt with the ferrying to and forth of kids, and then with the ferrying of himself to Bordeaux airport (with limited assistance from the car which, sigh, sounds like it will need a tow home and a new alternator...)
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